Cater Fast

Caterfast - Delivering the best in food and service!

About us

Caterfast is a next-generation delivery service that helps organizations and caterers virtually manage their delivery workflows. By using our experienced delivery professionals, we help organizations and caterers streamline their delivery process and ensure accuracy and efficiency. We thrive because our market knowledge and great team make us the best option for delivery services.

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Online Ordering

Ordering online is a great way to save time and get your products delivered right to your door.


The delivery was prompt and the flowers were beautiful.

Order Fulfillment

Order fulfillment is a process of fulfilling customer orders.

CRM for Restaurants

CRM can help restaurants manage their customer data more effectively.

Restaurant Marketing

Restaurant marketing is an important part of a restaurant's success.

Restaurant Food Delivery

Ordering food from a restaurant can be a convenient way to get food delivered to your home.

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Sat: 8:00am - 12:30pm



Phone: +1 347 420 6573, +1 347 259 0279 

Make a reservation


Menu items

The menu offers a variety of options to choose from, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner.



Tablecloths add a touch of elegance to any table setting.



Napkins are used to clean up food that has been spilled.



People used to eat food off of plates.



Cups are used to drink liquids.



Silverware is used to eat food.


Serving utensils

In a kitchen, serving utensils are essential for dispensing food to diners. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be made from a variety of materials.


Condiment containers

I always keep a container of ketchup on hand.


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Our clients


Cater fast's next-generation delivery professionals help organizations and caterers virtually manage their delivery workflows.
We thrive because of our market knowledge and great team behind our service.
We provide delivery services for restaurants and caterers.
We have a wide range of delivery services that cater to your needs.
We have a strong focus on customer service and ensuring that your delivery is on time.
We are a reliable


My address

175-09 Sayres Avenue, Queens, 11433


+1 347 420 6573


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